Public holidays
Our office will be closed on May 8th for a public holiday. Phone and online support will be unavailable, and no shipments will be dispatched. We will resume operations on May 9th and process orders in the order they were received. Thank you for your understanding.
Our office will be closed on May 8th for a public holiday. We will resume operations on May 9th.
Thank you for your understanding.
How to search
1. Use remote control model
eq. model BN59-01259B, you can try:
  • BN59-01259B, BN59-01259B
  • BN59-01259B, BN59-01259B
2. Use device model
eq. model KDL-60W855B, you can try
  • KDL-60W855B, KDL-60W855B
  • KDL-60W855B, KDL-60W855B
Not sure if you found the correct one?
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Funny remote stories

Sometimes communication with a customer brings an interesting story. It would be a shame if we left them in the drawer of our company.
Double trouble
...I ran over the remote twice when leaving the garage, and it wasn't for the TV I have in the garage
Unusual pet
Hello, My wombat ate my TV Remote controller.
Meat mallet
Geez - I hadn't thought of that. Oh, I'm sorry. Auntie broke our original remote with a meat mallet. Well, the impossible must happen...